Friday, August 22, 2014

When you save a list as a template do the workflows save with that template?


When you save a list with workflow ( save web a site template), workflow get saved with list but it does not work.



When you create a workflow with Sharepoint designer it is associated to a specific list on a specific web.
When that web is saved site as template it includes the workflow but the workflow when you create site from
"Your" template are associated to the old list. You need to open the new site in Sharepoint Designer. Then open the workflow
in an editing session, click the xmol(from folder view (click all files in SPD)) file in the workflow folders then the "back" button then repick the list in the associations dropdown.
Save or finish or whatever., some other workflow references in each step may have to be reset as well (that part depends) particularily with cross list interaction.

If you find yourself doing this too often you need to develop in Visual Studio or try and figure out the XML declarative workflow files GUID or use an old third party codeplex project application that claims to auto associate those Sharepoint Designer designed workflows.



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