Monday, August 25, 2014

How to restrict the '/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx' page from anonymous users or from specified users in SharePoint 2010

Add below specified location section in web.config at path:




<location path="_layouts/viewlsts.aspx">



                       <allow users="domainname\user1,domainname\user2"/>

                        <deny users="?" />

                        <deny users="*" />








if you want to apply settings on all web application/site collection then :


Create an xml file  as below:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>



  <add path="configuration">

    <location path="_layouts">



          <deny users="?" />





    <location path="_vti_bin">



          <deny users="?" />





    <location path="_layouts/login.aspx">



          <allow users="?" />





    <location path="_layouts/error.aspx">



          <allow users="?" />





    <location path="_layouts/accessdenied.aspx">



          <allow users="?" />










After creating a file that contains XML statements similar to above, you would save the file in the \Config directory with a name in the format webconfig. <name>.xml. To apply these changes to the farm, run the Stsadm copyappobincontent operation on each front-end Web server. For more information, see Copyappbincontent: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server).



Reference Links:

Locking down Office SharePoint Server sites


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