Monday, May 21, 2012

Welcome to my blog

Hi friends,
This is Rakesh, you can call me rocky,  I am a software developer and system administrator, some time I do DBA job also and I love to fire queries on oracle & MS-SQL server.

Since long time, I was thinking to create a blog where i can share programming stuffs and can help my programmer friends who do lots of coding and designing every day.
As I also love .net technologies and Microsoft too, since whatever new technology or idea Microsoft brings, most of the time it get success. I know name of “Vista” is jumping in your head…but as we all know failure lead to success and now we have windows 8 in our hands.

So this is my first blog where I am starting with SharePoint 2010, which is booming now a day. I will be adding more new things and stuff on coming days.
Hope you will enjoy it and will find helpful. You can write your suggestion and queries me on my id It will be my pleasure to address your queries.


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