Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Office Web Apps 2013 – Increase Excel Workbook Size from the 10 MB Limit

If you were ever greeted by a message similar to the following:

"Wow, that's a big workbook. Unfortunately, we can't open a workbook larger than 10 MB.

You'll need to open this in Excel."

By default Excel Web App is set to a max size of 10 MB, here are my findings for other Office Web Apps 2013 documents:

  • Word Docs (no preset/published size limits, however, it is limited by file upload size configured on the SharePoint web application for up to 2GB)
  • PowerPoint  (no preset/published size limits, however, it is limited by file upload size configured on the SharePoint web application for up to 2GB)
  • Excel Workbooks (Set by default to 10mb size limit, however it can be increased to file upload size configured on the SharePoint web application for up to 2GB)
  • OneNotes  (no preset/published size limits, however, it is limited by file upload size configuredon the SharePoint web application for up to 2GB)


The workbook size is controlled by a property ExcelWorkbookSizeMax, to get the current value of this property

Log onto the Office Web Apps 2013 Server > Open PowerShell and type


To change this value from 10 MB to lest say 50 MB, just execute the following in PowerShell

Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -ExcelWorkbookSizeMax 50


And there you have it, happy SharePointing !!


 Ref: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/sammykailini/2014/06/25/office-web-apps-2013-increase-excel-workbook-size-from-the-10-mb-limit/