Tuesday, December 29, 2015

SQL Server : sp_who2 - filtering and sorting the results for connections

The stored procedure sp_who2 lists all current processes connected to a SQL Server :
exec sp_who2

A typical resultset from Management Studio is :

Inline image

sp_who2 is one of the most useful and widely used stored procedures, along with its predecessor sp_who. However it is also one of the most frustrating as it only takes a single parameter and the results cannot be ordered. For a large server with a lot of connections this can be a real nuisance. I usually store the results in a temporary table and then filter and/or order the results from there :

CREATE TABLE #sp_who2 (SPID INT,Status VARCHAR(255),
      Login  VARCHAR(255),HostName  VARCHAR(255), 
      BlkBy  VARCHAR(255),DBName  VARCHAR(255), 
      Command VARCHAR(255),CPUTime INT, 
      DiskIO INT,LastBatch VARCHAR(255), 
      ProgramName VARCHAR(255),SPID2 INT, 
INSERT INTO #sp_who2 EXEC sp_who2
SELECT      * 
FROM        #sp_who2
-- Add any filtering of the results here :
WHERE       DBName <> 'master'
-- Add any sorting of the results here :
DROP TABLE #sp_who2
Some people encapsulate the above code in a stored procedure and run that, but my preference is always to run it as a script.


A word of warning. Sp_who2 is undocumented, meaning that Microsoft could change it in the future without warning. I've tested the code above on SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2008 R2, however it's possible that the columns or datatypes returned could change in future versions which would require a small change in the code.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Impersonation and Elevation of Privilege - SharePoint


Microsoft's SharePoint Services and Technologies (SharePoint) has a robust security model. Every operation attempted within the SharePoint framework is subject to the security settings and policies that apply to the affected objects. This article discusses the methods provided by the SharePoint framework that allow developers to accomplish tasks regardless of a user's permissions.

Need Alternate Security Context

When writing an application that is based on the SharePoint framework, it is common for the program to update or create a SharePoint object. A typical scenario is a feedback form on an anonymous website.The form needs to write data to a SharePoint list, but granting write permission to the anonymous user is not acceptable.
This article includes code and screenshots from anIdentity Web Part that displays information about identities used in the current request.
Note: The Identity Web Part is availablefrom the downloads library of this site.

Impersonation versus Elevation

Before discussing this topic further, we need to define the meaning of elevation of privilege and impersonation. The SharePoint Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the following descriptions:
Impersonation: Enables developer to perform actions on behalf of another user.
Elevation of privilege: Enables developers to programmatically perform actions in code using an increased level of privilege.
What is not clear in these definitions is the difference in the requirements to use these approaches. For example, in order to impersonate you typically require the user's credentials. In order to elevate, the elevated privileges must be available in the execution environment. Both of these approaches can be used in SharePoint.


SharePoint is built on the ASP.NET infrastructure. However, since a complete discussion of the ASP.NET infrastructure is outside of the scope of this paper, we will explore the concept of identities at a high level. Details that are omitted in this paper can be reviewed in the ASP.NET documentation on MSDN.
There are a few different identities in the ASP.NET pipeline. The first is the process identity that is set via the application pool in which the Web application is configured. In ASP.NET, the Default Application Pool is running with the System Identity. When SharePoint is installed, a new application pool is created and configured to use the service account specified during the configuration wizard. This is commonly referred to as the AppPool identity. (There is also a thread identity. The web server process spawns threads to handle each request, and these threads also use the process identity.)
The next identity is the context identity. When the ASP.NET framework processes a request, the impersonation and authorization settings in web.config indicate how the context identity is created. As indicated in the following code, the default SharePoint configuration uses Windows authentication and has impersonation enabled:
  1. <authentication mode="Windows" />
  2. <identity impersonate="true" />
Refer to the MSDN article titled "Authentication in ASP.NET: .NET Security Guidance" for more information on this topic.
The net effect of these settings is that the identity of the user running the browser is also the identity of the request. This identity is exposed to pages and controls as the Windows identity. The Windows identity is available to server-side code via the static method: System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().
SharePoint also requires an identity to perform security checks. In the SharePoint object model, the SharePoint identity is represented by the SPUser object. During the request pipeline, the SPUser is set to the same value as the Windows identity. However, they are not the same object, which means they can be altered independently.
Use the following code to retrieve the SharePoint value in code running on a Web page such as a Web Part:
  1. SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
  2. SPUser user = web.CurrentUser;
Note: Youcannot create an SPUser object. Instead, the SharePoint framework creates this object in the context ofa site collection (SPSite) based onthe context identity.

Identity Web Part

In Figure 1, the Identity Web Part is shown on the home page of a blank site. This Web Part displays the current values of the Windows identity and SharePoint identity. It also contains buttons to perform both elevation and impersonation. The current user account, which is Victor Visitor in this example, is a member of the site visitors group and has only read access to the site.
Figure 1 - Default Identities


There are a few scenarios in which impersonation of another user is helpful. One such scenario is the restricted access of a sensitive resource such as a database. This is the case for SharePoint when a service account is configured to access the content databases. This service account is then impersonated and the data retrieved. However, the users do not have permission to the database. The service account scenario is accomplished by storing and later retrieving the credentials of the impersonated account.
Note: Since the details about impersonation in ASP.NET are outside the scope of this whitepaper, refer to the "Impersonation and Delegation" article on Microsoft's ASP.NET Community site for more information on this topic.
Another common scenario is a background or deferred process that executes a user initiated function. This background process acts on behalf of several users, which means it runs with credentials such as LocalSystem that are appropriate for a background process. In this scenario, the requesting user account is impersonated and the requested action is performed.
In addition, there is a system account provided by the SharePoint platform that functions similar to a service account. The system account has permission to all SharePoint objects and can be used to update items using code that would denied if attempted by the requesting user account.. The system account can be impersonated without a password, which makes it a powerful alternative to granting user permissions throughout the farm.

Impersonate a User

To impersonate a user in the SharePoint framework, you must have a SPUserToken object. This object can be obtained by referencing the UserToken property of the SPUser object. However, the SPUser class cannot be created in code. Instead, a user token must be accessed and stored during a page request.
  1. SPUseruser = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser;
  2. SPUserTokentoken = user.UserToken;
  3. // store token
At this point the background process can retrieve the token and use it to impersonate the requestor. The actual impersonation is performed by SharePoint during the creation of a SPSite object. Creating the SPSite object also requires the objects GUID or the site collection URL.
  1. stringurl = http://localhost; // use your url
  2. SPUserTokentoken = user.RetrieveToken(); // a custom method
  3. using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url, token))
  4. {
  5. // access the SPSite and its objects under the identity
  6. // represented by the token
  7. }
Retrievingthe SPUserToken of the system account requires similar code. Since the system account is a known principal, there is no need to store and retrieve the token.
  1. SPUsersystemUser = SPContext.Current.Site.SystemAccount;
  2. SPUserTokentoken = systemUser.UserToken;
  3. // store token
Figure 2 shows the code for the Impersonate button of the Identity Web Part that provides the user token as it creates a new SPSite object. This step is required to obtain a new SharePoint identity.

Figure 2 - Impersonate method

Effects of Impersonation

Running the impersonate method affects the SharePoint identity of the request. The Windows identity is still set by the base ASP.NET settings. Since the SPWeb object used to retrieve the current user was created within the scope of the impersonation, the SharePoint identity is set to SHAREPOINT\system, which is the predefined value of the system account (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Impersonated identities

When to Impersonate

Impersonating an alternate account is appropriate whenever code must perform an action within the SharePoint platform on behalf of a user. The impersonation method only changes the SharePoint identity of the request, not the Windows identity.
Best Practice:
If the code is expected to honor the permissions of the requesting user, the users token must be used to perform the impersonation.
Best Practice:
For code that updates SharePoint on behalf of a user without permissions, use the System Account token to perform the impersonation.
Best Practice:
If the current user cannot access the system account token, use the RunWithElevatedPrivileges method to retrieve the system account token and then impersonate. Do not perform all required actions with elevated privileges.

Elevation of Privilege

Elevation of privilege provides an increased level of privilege. However, from where does this level of privilege come? The possible choices are the involved infrastructure frameworks, which are IIS, ASP.NET, and SharePoint. The IIS process is configured to run with minimal privilege to reduce the attack surface open to malicious code and hackers. SharePoint is leveraging the identity of the HttpContext. Therefore, the natural place is from ASP.NET.
As mentioned previously, the identity of the ASP.NET process is configured in the Application Pool (AppPool). Since the AppPool identity is set during configuration of SharePoint, we can assume it has the privileges necessary to access the resources used throughout the farm including the database, servers, and services.

Elevate Level of Privilege

In the SharePoint platform, running code with elevated privileges is accomplished using the SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges method. This method invokes a delegate that runs with the Windows identity set to the AppPool account. The password of the AppPool account is not required, as it is with Impersonation.
Figure4 shows the code for the Elevate button of the Identity Web Part. In this method, the RunWithElevatedPrivileges method runs an anonymous function, which is identitified by the delegate keyword.
Figure4 - Method to elevate privilege

Effects of Elevation

As discussed previously, the RunWithElevatedPrivileges method executes the specified code with the identity of the application pool. The Identity Web Part reflects this change, as shown in Figure 5.
Behind the scenes, there is significant code that creates a new application domain that has a separate security context. Next, the code provided to the RunWithElevatedPrivileges method runs within this separate application domain, which is reflected in the different Windows identity.
Figure5 - Elevated identities

When to Elevate

Since elevation of privilege does not change the SharePoint identity, performing the elevation is appropriate only when an alternate Windows identity is required. For code running on the SharePoint platform, the AppPool identity is the only available Windows identity. This means that elevation is only effective if the AppPool identity has the necessary permissions to the secured resource.
Best Practice:
Use elevated privileges to access non-SharePoint resources to which the application pool account has the necessary permissions.
Best Practice:
Use only the RunWithElevatedPrivileges method of the SPSecurity class to obtain a context with elevated privileges. Any other approach is not supported.


This articleexplains how developers can use impersonation and elevation of privilege when working with ASP.NET identities to accomplish tasks regardless of a user's permissions. The ability to use these methods allows developers to create solutions that work with, rather than work around, security settings.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SharePoint Tips: http://www.sharepoint-tips.com/

I found a good SharePoint knowledge blog http://www.sharepoint-tips.com/  SharePoint-tips and learning.



SharePoint: Finding if a site column exists in a site, by ID

Scenario - you have an ID of a site column (SPField belonging to SPWeb)and you want to find out if there is a field by that ID in the collection.

Problem: if you try something like:

web.Fields[fieldID] == null

The result is an exception if the field doesnt exist. What a shame. 

The solution is to use the Contains method of the Fields collection:



SharePoint: Users able to open documents using links, even without permissions

Users able to open documents using links, even without permissions

Recently I had to troubleshoot an issue where end-users were able to open links to documents they had no permissions to open. If they tried opening the library they got the "access denied" message that is expected, but clicking a link directly to a document in the library resulted in the document either opening up in the browser, or downloaded. We double checked the documents did not have item level security, and they didn't.

What a puzzle!

Turns out that those libraries were provisioned by code, and the code set a property on the library called "AllowEveryoneViewItems" (msdn documentation). This property, when set to true, means that anyone- even unauthenticated users, will be able to download and view items in the list or library - even without permissions. 

The reason to turn it to true is when dealing with anonymous sites - for example, if you have an internet site and you want to put links to documents from pages, but you don't want users to be able to browse the library itself.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Enabling OCR of TIFF images for SharePoint 2013 Search

SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Search has the built-in ability to OCR and index the content of your scanned tiff images during a crawl (whether they are are stored in SharePoint or not). This is a very powerful feature, yet a bit mysterious to configure as the configuration steps have changed since the 2010 version. I’ll outline the steps below:

1.      Using Server Manager, ensure the Windows TIFF iFilter feature is enabled on each crawl server

2.      Open the Local Group Policy Editor and locate the OCR folder beneath Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates.

3.      Edit the policy setting for “Select OCR languages from a code page”.  Choose Enabled and select the appropriate languages.

4.      Open the SharePoint Management Shell (using Run as Administrator) and run the following commands to configure content parsing for TIFF images.

5.   $ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication

6.   New-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat -SearchApplication $ssa tif "TIFF Image File" "image/tiff"

New-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat -SearchApplication $ssa tiff "TIFF Image File" "image/tiff"

7.      Restart the SharePoint Search Host Controller service.

8.      Open the Search Service Application administration.  Under the Crawling navigation item, navigate to File Types.  Add two new File Types for tif and tiff.

9.      Perform a Full Crawl of your content.

Depending on how many TIFF images are crawled, this may be a considerably longer amount of time than your previous crawl time.  Additional planning may be necessary, such as potentially scoping a Content Source to only content that should be OCR’d, or adjusting crawl schedules.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Detection of product feature ‘PeopleILM’, component failed. THE RESOURCE DOES NOT EXIST (Event 1001-1004)

I recently set up the User Profile Synchronization services on SharePoint 2010 per a great article on Harbar.net: http://www.harbar.net/articles/sp2010ups.aspx

Everything seemed to run fine for several days, and then the synchronization failed to run at all and filled up the Events Log with all sorts of warning messages in regards to the MSIInstaller. 

The first issue I looked at was getting the Forefront Identity Manager Service to start following a reboot; the service simply refused to start automatically despite being configured by SharePoint to do so. Interestingly, both the User Profile Service and the User Profile Synchronization Service items listed in Central Admin's Services on Server page listed the services as running. Starting the FIM Service manually from the Windows Services snap-in succeeded. 

My solution was to set both services to start automatically at boot time after a delay by reconfiguring the startup type of BOTH services and Automatic (Delayed Start) in the Windows Services snap-in.  This at least got the services up and running, but the service would stop every time I tried to run the "Start Profile Synchronization" from the Manage Profile Service: User Profile Service Application screen.

In examining the Event Logs, I saw that there was was one more thing I apparently needed to clean up; Every time I tried to kick off the synchronization job, the logs would fill up with MSIInstaller warnings about product detection failing.  Specific was a series of 1004 and 1001 Event IDs:

Event 1004:

Detection of product '{90140000-104C-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}', feature 'PeopleILM', component '{1AE472A9-E94A-41DC-9E98-F89A2821658F}' failed.  The resource 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Tools\makecert.exe' does not exist.

Event 1001:

Detection of product '{90140000-104C-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}', feature 'PeopleILM' failed during request for component '{1681AE41-ADA8-4B70-BC11-98A5A4EDD046}'

These were repeated for several other component GUIDs.

Now, as we know, the WMI calls are made under the credentials of the Network Service account (If in doubt about what account is trying to access the resource, the User: field is the tip-off).  For some reason during the configuration of the UPS, this account isn't given permissions on the folder indicated in the event ( "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0" ).

As there were multiple calls to various sub-directories under the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0" folder I gave the Network Service account read and execute permissions on the folder and sub-folders.


After this, I went back into Central Admin –> Manage Profile Service: User Profile Service Application and clicked on "Start Profile Synchronization".  And we once again have Profile Synchronization with Active Directory working as verified by clicking on the "Synchronizing" status link and confirmed by opening the miisclient.exe on the server.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Free internet access : Internet.org [Facebook’s project to spread Internet connectivity to underserved areas with wireless carriers’ help.]


MORE details about internet.org :  




RCom Offer Free Access To 38 Websites Including Facebook [Updated]

As expected, Reliance Communication announced their partnership with Facebook's Internet.org initiative.

The internet.org app will offer access to over 38 services (websites) completely free of cost. Reliance Communication customers in six Indian states (Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, and Telangana) can access to more than three dozen services ranging from news, maternal health, travel, local jobs, sports, communication, and local government information.

Here are the services offered by Internet.org

1.      Aaj Tak: Read news in Hindi

2.      AccuWeather: Get updated weather information

3.      amarujala.com: Read news in Hindi

4.      AP Speaks: Engage with local government

5.      Babajob: Search for jobs

6.      BabyCenter & MAMA: Learn about pregnancy and childcare

7.      BBC News: Read news from around the world

8.      Bing Search: Find information

9.      Cleartrip: Check train and flight schedules & buy tickets

10.   Daily Bhaskar: Read local news

11.   Dictionary.com: Search for meanings of words

12.   ESPN Cricinfo: Get cricket updates

13.   Facebook: Communicate with friends and family

14.   Facts for Life: Find health and hygiene information

15.   Girl Effect: Read articles and tips for girls

16.   HungamaPlay: Listen to music

17.   IBNLive: Read news

18.   iLearn: Learn from Women Entrepreneurs

19.   India Today: Read local news

20.   Internet Basics: Learn about the basics of the Internet

21.   Jagran: Read local news

22.   Jagran Josh: Get education and career information

23.   Maalai Malar: Read news in Tamil

24.   Maharashtra Times: Read news in Marathi

25.   Malaria No More: Learn about malaria

26.   manoramanews.com: Read local news

27.   Messenger: Send messages to friends and family

28.   NDTV: Read news

29.   Newshunt: Read news in English

30.   OLX: Buy and sell products and services

31.   Reliance Astrology: Read your horoscope

32.   Reuters Market Lite: Get farming and crop information

33.   Socialblood: Register to donate blood

34.   Times of India: Read news

35.   TimesJobs: Search for jobs

36.   Translator: Translate words and phrases

37.   Wikipedia: Find information

38.   wikiHow: Find information

How to Access?

Visit Internet.org website from your Android phone using Opera Mini mobile web browser. You will need to use Android app UC browser for internet.org. Most of the services will be available in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Gujarati and Marathi.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Remote IIS Debugging : Debug your ASP.NET Application which is hosted on "Remote IIS Server"

This article describes, how to setup debugging and debug a ASP.NET web application that is hosted on remote IIS Server . Details of msvsmon.exe and its configuration


In the last month I have published an article on Debugging of ASP.NET Application that hosted on IIS server using process attaché. And I have got a very good response from all the readers, specially Yankee Imperialist Dog! , Pete O'Hanlon, Dr.Luiji , Manas Bhardwaj and many others . And they have suggested me for a follow up article on IIS Remote debugging. Thanks to all of them for their feedback and giving me another opportunity to write an article. I think this will help you all. Please give your valuable suggestions and feedback to improve on my article.

Introduction :  

Before starting with this article, I will request you to read my previous article Debug Your ASP.NET Application that Hosted on IIS : Process Attach and Identify which process to attach . This article will give you the basic understanding of Debugging ASP.NET Application that is hosted on Local Server, along with Process selection among multiple processes. And article was all about if you have IIS installed in local server, that means you have hosted your site on your local development environment or your Web server/ production server having visual studio installed. But this is not the real scenario.

Now coming back to this article, this article is all about the IIS  remote debugging. You are developing your application in you local system which is hosted on remote web server and now you need to debug it. How will you do that ? This article will describe all the necessary steps like how to configure remote debugging, attaching process from remote server, start debugging etc. This is one of the most challenging task in ASP.NET. Hope I have explained it clearly.

Visual Studio Debugging Features for ASP.NET 

We can have three different way to debug our application from Visual Studio. They are:

·        Visual Studio Internal Debugger

·        Local IIS Debugging 

·        Remote IIS Debugging

Visual Studio Internal Debugger 

We are all aware of that visual studio is having its own internal ASP.NET debug engine which is used to debug our ASP.NET web application while we are developing it. The process which is used to debug the application within visual studio is WebDev.WebServer.Exe . ASP.NET Engine uses WebDev.WebServer.exe to debug the application. Now if you want to know more details about it please read this

Fig: Block Diagram for Visual Studio Internal Debugger

Local IIS Debugging  :

Refer article . Just brush up the things, I am explaining the whole scenario using following diagram. [ Though it was not necessary, because I have already explained it in my last article, still I have used only for the co-relation with the remote debugging. ] 

Fig: Block Diagram for Debugging ASP.NET site from Local IIS Server 

In local IIS debugging, IIS should be installed in the local system where we have visual studio installed. For debugging the application hosted on IIS from visual studio, we need to attach the worker process (w3wp.exe) with in visual studio. After that we will able to start the debugging of the web application.

Remote IIS Debugging :

This is the main topic which we should cover in this article. It is one of the best features and it is very much  helpful when we do not have a IIS Server installed in local system or when we have to store the applications at a centralized location. The scenario comes when you are having with your application code in your system and the build which was deployed on different IIS server. Below diagrams shows the overall diagram for remote debugging.

Fig: Block Diagram for Remote debugging of ASP.NET Application

Remote debugging with Visual studio and Remote IIS is very easy to setup. The tool which is used to setup and configure the process is know as "msvsmon.exe". I have describe each and every steps to start, configure  the msvsmon tool and debug the application. But before that just have a look on why should we need remote debugging.

Why Remote Debugging :

Before going into details, we need to know when we have to use remote debugging,

·        Local development server does not have IIS installed.

·        Development server and Build/Released/Hosting Server is different

·        Application located in centralized location.

Remote Debugging Tool 

The tool which is used to remote debugging of the ASP.Net application know as "Msvsmon.exe" . The Remote Debugging tool (Msvsmon.exe) is a small windows based application that Visual Studio 2005 uses for remote debugging. It has very simple UI which makes it very simple to setup and configure During remote debugging, Visual Studio 2005 runs on one computer and the Remote Debugging Tool runs on the remote computer along with the application you are debugging.

Fig: Block Diagram for Remote debugging of ASP.NET Application with msvsmon

If we want to debug the application which is hosted on remote IIS, we have to start the msvsmon.exe to the remote server, and our development system is the debugger host where we will debug our code.

Start msvsmon.exe

Msvsmon.exe is installed to the following paths:

·        Install path\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86 

First of all we need to Run the Application from the location and we will get following screen,

 Fig: Initial startup of msvsmon.exe

At the time of starting of application the window will show the status message "Msvsmon started a new server named '<ServerName>'. Waiting for new connection". Which means Debugging monitor tool is ready to connect with some remote server. Now I can connect with this remote server and get the list of all process that is running on the server.

Configure Authentication Mode 

Configuration of msvsmon tool is very easy. The main configuration is involves with the authentication mode. Msvsmon support two types of authentication

·        Windows Authentication 

·        No-Authentication 

 Windows Authentication 

Msvsmon provide highlevel security with the windows authentication mode. The user who want to debug the application remotely he should be authenticated, means he should have sufficient permission to access the debugging facility from the remote system. For Setup the Windows authentication mode, We have go "Tool" > "Options" . Following window will appear,

Fig: Setup and configure security settings

Now we have a permission button along with the windows authentication radio button. Using that, we can give permission to any user who belongs to that windows group. If we click on the Permission button, following screen will appear


  Fig: Add user for windows authentication

By default, Administrator should have the permission for remote debugging, we can use add button to add new user and can give the Debug access or Deny the Debug persmission to any user. For example, I have added myself by just clicking on Add button and take the access control.

  Fig: Add user for windows authentication


Now, I have give me the permission for debugging from remotely (from Debugger Host).

  Fig: Debug permission for selected user

Similiarly we can select any user from Active Directory and can deny the request for remote debugging though the user is Windows authenticated user.

I have discussed about how to debug remotely with windows authentication mode in the process attache section.


There is no security involved with this authentication mode. Any one can debug remotely, if the authentication mode is set to "No-Authentication". As this debugging mode is not at all secure, so it should be used only on secure network.


   Fig: No-Authentication Mode Configuration

No Authentication mode only supports native debugging. You can also guess the behaviour from the warning message. We have a "Allow any User to Debug" check box. If we checked that one, any user can able to debug.

In the next section I have described, how to attach the process for remote debugging for both Windows and No Authentication Mode.

Attach Process from Remote System

Now, Remote Debugger is ready to accept a new connection to start remote debugging. And we have already gone through how to configure the msvsmon for both windows and No-Authentication mode. Now we will check how to connect with them and start debugging,

Before what we need to do, we have created a Web application and hosted it IIS where msvsmon is running, We need to connect it from our local system where we are having our code. Now lets have a look in the case of  windows authentication mode

Process Attach - Windows Authentication Mode   

First of all we need to open the application from visual studio in our development system. Now we need to attach the process from remote server.  Goto Tool > Attach Process 

  Fig: Attach Process From Visual Studio

When we will click on the "Attach to Process" we will get the following screen .

  Fig: Default Process List

Right now it is showing all the process that are currently running on the system. Now we need to connect it the remote system. Now I have already started a msvsmon with name "abhijit.jana" and it is waiting for a new connection.

  Fig: msvsmon is running on remote host

Now, I am going to connect with the remote system from my local visual studio IDE. So, what we need to do. We have to give the remote server name to the Qualifier section in attach process window.

  Fig: Connect with Remote host and get the list of process

 Now, in the process list all the process are listed from remote server along with Worker Process ((w3wp.exe). Now this is the exact worker process which we need to attach with our code. One more thing, when we are getting the list of process from it means remote server is connected. Now if we check the msvsmon window, it will show another message that user is connected. Have a look into the screenshot

   Fig: Debug monitor showing message of connection

Now, our application is ready to debug. just set a break point in your code and enjoy the debugging.  Here is our web site [ Hosted on Remote IIS Server ] and which having a server side button, and I want to debug the application on the click of button.

  Fig: Access site from Host URL

Now process is attached in our visual studio and I have set the breakpoint on the button click method. Here is outcome.

  Fig: Debugger at breakpoint

So, let enjoy the debugging from remote server . Now lets have a look how will we remote debug in No-Authentication mode.

Process Attach - No Authentication Mode

This is quite similar to windows authentication process attach. I have already discussed that, how to configure the No-Authentication mode in remote debugger. We have to attach the process similar way that I have discussed. There are some few changes. Transport mode should be selected to -Remote (Native only with no authentication) [ Check the Screen shots] .And we need to provide the qualifier "abhijit.jana: 4015". Have a look into screen shots,

  Fig: Process Attach for No-Authentication Mode

So, now we need to attach the worker process and need to start debugging, on which I have already discussed. There is slight change in connect while remote debugging going on with No-Authentication mode. Debugging monitor will display a message on the window that debugging is running on no authentication mode.

   Fig: Status message for No-Authentication Mode

So, this is all about how to debug you application from remote IIS server in both windows and No-Authentication mode.

Debugging For Multiple User 

This is one of the most fantastic features of Msvsmon tool. Msvsmon debugging monitor tool allow multiple user to debug simultaneously. . Each instance of the remote debugger has a unique server name. As I have already shown that Server names are configurable, so we  can give an instance of the remote debugger any server name. Now multiple user can able to access the same

  Fig: General block diagram from Multiple Debugger instance


Some Important Tips while remote debugging

·        Visual Studio 2005 remote debugging components must be installed on the remote computer

·        we must reference the remote computer by using a computer name instead of an IP address.

·        The Web.config file for the ASP.NET application must not contain any errors, and the compilation element must have the debug attribute set to True.

·        Make sure that a firewall is not blocking remote debugging. 

·        The security setting for the site must allow Integrated Windows authentication.

·        Make sure that the Remote Debugging Monitor is running on the remote server. If Msvsmon.exe is not running, you receive the following error message.

Summary : 

Now to finalize the things, just take a quick summary. msvsmon is an utility which provides the facility to debug the application which is hosted on remote IIS server. It provides two kind of authentication mode, Windows and No-Authentication Mode. In Case of windows authentication mode the user should need the permission to access the instance of remote debugger but on the other hand No-Authentication does not required and security permission.

  Fig: Overall Summary

Hope this article will help you to learn about remote debugging. Please Don't forget give your suggestion and Feedback for imporvement. 


Reference : codeproject.com